New Year. New Resolutions.

By UNLIMITED STOCK | December 14, 2016


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New Year. New Resolutions. INFOGRAPHIC

New Year’s top ten resolutions are:

  1. Spend more time with family
  2. Get in shape
  3. Lose weight
  4. Quit smoking
  5. Enjoy life more
  6. Quit drinking
  7. Get out of debt
  8. Learn something new
  9. Help others
  10. Get organized

Whu your resolutions do not stick:

  1. You did not make a plan for it
  2. You forgot the reasons why you were doing it.
  3. You did not plan for setbacks
  4. You did not have a strong support network
  5. You took on too much too fast

Resolution Breakdown:

  1. 47% self improvement and education related resolutions
  2. 38% weight related resolutions
  3. 34% money related resolutions
  4. 31% relationship related resolutions

Age and gender:

Six in ten Americans younger than 45 years old are likely to make a New Year’s resolution compared to 3 in 10 Americans 45 and older.

Gender does not seem to play a role. Similar proportions of men and women plan to make resolutions

-> 40% women and

-> 3% men

Source: 123Print

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